Monday, July 21, 2008

It's about time!

Well, hello oblivion. I've been wanting to write a blog for some time now and I just haven't made the time to sit down and create one. So here it is... When my sister first asked me to create a blogging site, I thought there's no way I can find anything to write about in my meaningless, boring existence. But since I created my profile, all I've been thinking about is what I can write about and there's too much to say all at one time. Ahhhh! When I think about the massive amount of "stuff" that I want to get off my chest, I get this feeling of stop-loss. It's the same feeling I get when I think about cleaning my house room-by-room. I'll start with one room and low and behold there will be something from the next room in that room so in an effort to create order, I move it to the other room. Then the next thing I know I'm in the other room finding plenty of things to rearrange or clean and before I know it, I've lost control of my ability to compartmentalize. I was supposed to be in the original room until it was clean but here I am clear on the other end of the house trying to figure out if I have made any progress at all. Let me explain why I think this happens. See when I was a child, the doctor's told my mom that I was ADD and for the longest time I didn't know what that meant. I mean, what child doesn't have a problem with sitting still or concentrating. But as I get older, my inability to stay focused on the task at hand, finishing a project, or managing to read a book without being distracted by the least noise, is visible proof of that defect. It's a miracle that I'm even on topic now. I'm sure there are other women in this world that feel the same way that I do and maybe it's normal. But for me, there's this huge feeling of being overwhelmed that makes me stagnate and unable to move forward. The sad thing is that I have never really been able to rise above this very often and it's very discouraging. For now, I just try to take it slow and realize that the same mess will be there tomorrow if I can't get to it today. After all, life isn't about having a clean house, it's about living life saving the unimportant details (a super clean house) by the wayside to enjoy the rest. I hope to be able to express myself in future blogs and I appogize if I lose sight of the topic at hand. I'll just blame it on the ADD for now. Til next time!

1 comment:

Michael Paine said...

ADD Attention Deficeit hey that is a nice necklace you have on. LOL! Thanks for blogging...finally. I totally enjoyed your company this weekend. You are my love my sister and I adore you. I want to get closer to you so that we will have an eternal bond. OK! You rock and I want you to know that from the bottom of my heart.